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Pre-order a copy of the book on the website!:
Streamed some of it on Twitch:
"Oh? had a change of heart had yer? Well then." He offered a hand and helped her up. "I just prefer you better when you dislike me." He forced his mouth on hers to kiss her and she struggled to pull away, she managed to free her self and smacked him with the back of her hand. This didn't do much, if anything, judging by the bulge in his pants, this had only aroused him further. "I'll give ya a choice, with it bein'our weddn' night and all." he began, completely unconcerned by her state. "How'd ya like it first, front or back?"
"I'll kill you, you foul swine."Ninae threatened, cautiously backing away from him and the bed. Jared smirked.
Another cinematic panel for my illustrated novel: Caldyra. <3
You can find the continuation of the scene here:

Reaction panel that I've painted before. I was able to use a lot of the colors of this one to speed of the progress.

Reaction panel that I've painted before. I was able to use a lot of the colors of this one to speed of the progress.

A little tutorial. Hit download or enlarge to be able to read it. &lt;3

A little tutorial. Hit download or enlarge to be able to read it. <3

Rough idea and rough perspective

Rough idea and rough perspective

clean lineart

clean lineart

light planning

light planning

color scheme planning

color scheme planning



